I've been thinking about how often I should water my nepenthes.
It's summer here. Yes nepenthes need good drainage. The heat loving
nepenthes low landers need watering every day, but it's the highlanders
that I get concerned about.
I'm glad I don't have time to water them a great deal because I
think I would have drowned them.
They are all under dappled light , poly houses under trees.
Never in the force of full sun. I give them probably two teaspoons each of
cold fridge water or the real highlanders one small ice cube on a pile of spaghum
in their pot , daily .Careful not to touch the roots. ( I do this because I'm in the sub tropics)
Don't give nep truncatas ice. It will kill them.
Thinking about nep truncata I don't even properly water them, I just spray them twice daily.
from a 150 ml spray bottle. I don't even check their pots and they thrive.
My hamata the same , just enough water . it's doing well and the emaye.
Friends of mine own two nepenthes , one a dyeriana and every time I visit.
I check the pots of their plants and they are bone dry. They tell me they water them.
Each has one large pitcher and that is it. They are in dappled light under a grape vine.
They look healthy and they have had them at least 3 years. It made me think.
nepenthes emaye
nepenthes truncata