Sunday 18 February 2018

Stink horn fungi

Yesterday morning when I entered my poly house , where I keep most of my  highland nepenthes
and most of my sarracenias , it smelt has if a rat had got in and died.
I looked around and I saw what looked like feacel matter under the slats , It was a revolting sight.
I thought no animal that big could get in here. Then I realised it was a fungi.

Drosera schizandra

I had said in the last post I didn't have a problem with this plant.
Well , after I photographed it, the original plant ,it  just fell to pieces
and hasn't regrown from the roots. The plantlets growing off the leaves are still growing
and the other two plants that grew from the roots are doing well.
So I'm relieved I still have small plants growing, but the original was a
really lovely big plant. What a sensitive plant.
I keep them in the same place as the original , I'm nervous to move them.